Artistry Training (1x Session)


Reinforce what you’ve learned. Once you’ve listened to any of the Momental volumes, pivot to additional mindset work and practice in private sessions. Who better to be your trainer for this extended journey than the author himself? Sessions are conducted remotely.

Customize sessions to goals. Momental is a game-changing experience for those who fully commit to the excursion. There are several high-ceiling reasons for living a momental life — introduced at the beginning of the book and summarized again here. Once you’ve identified an area of self improvement you’d like to explore, please know that our training is 100% custom. We listen to your goals, aspirations, and more. We respond by bolstering only what you’ve decided to pursue. We walk together through a simple assessment at the outset for orientation, but then it’s tailored completely to your development goals.

About the trainer. Eric S. Townsend is a veteran artistry mentor with Torch in San Francisco since 2013. He is the son of two career educators, each with 30 years of service. His approach is direct, energetic, pragmatic, and transparent. Townsend operates a bicoastal practice, with bases in the Seattle and Washington DC markets. References on request.

“Eric helped a protégé grow into a new role as Chief Marketing Officer. This was exactly the kind of experience he sought from our program.”
— Mike Bergelson, Former CEO @ Torch

“Eric’s sense of space and form is nuanced and remarkable. his creativity is inspired, and his dedication to craft is boundless. ”
— Lauren Radziejewski, artist

“Eric supercharged my career growth through creative thinking and personal branding. I was impressed by his ability to unlock this half of my brain, given my highly technical background.”
— Herman Li, Senior Software Engineer @ Carbon

“I warmly refer to Eric as a real-life Jerry McGuire: quick, sharp, and full of creative ideas. He really helped me to jumpstart my business.”
— Brian Heat, best-selling author and speaker

“Eric is a motivational mentor. His creativity is forward-thinking. He often pushed me to explore sources of inspiration that were off the beaten path. I’m very grateful, as this early guidance is the single reason why I advanced quickly in my career. I still look back at his work for a fresh approach.”
— Rodrigue Lawson, CEO @ Celsius+

“Eric mentored me in design, business development, branding, communications, proposal development, and project management. I turned a profit every year, and I owe a lot of credit to him for this. He’s bright, quick to the chase, and tackles the real issues being faced. He is loyal and supportive. He is fearless and doesn't wait for a problem to fester before jumping in to avert it. I give him my whole-hearted recommendation.”
— Morgan Benton, Senior Manager @ Ultranauts

“His input identified considerations that wouldn’t have occurred to me, and shifted my thinking in a positive way. He is both a creative thinker and a dedicated professional. I recommend him highly.”
— Michael Drayne, SVP @ Ginnie Mae

“Eric is very creative. He’s able to provide a unique perspective from the discplines of music, art, and general creative thinking. He also displays sound leadership qualities in that he’s capable of uniting individuals with different schools of thought.”
— John Unice, CEO @ Bit-x-Bit

“Eric pulls the best out of the people he works with, pushing them to match his own drive — sometimes against their initial reluctance, but always to their betterment as an evolving professional.”
— Justin Poroszok, Senior Manager @ Lienau

“Eric cares about the people he works for and wants to make an impact.”
— Stephen Gilbert, CEO @ MultifamilyToGo

“Eric deserves my thanks. His enthusiasm for the craft of visual design and his ability to explain and demonstrate his process were critical to my own decision to explore graphic design as a profession. Talented, passionate, inspiring — all characteristics I associate with him.”
— Joseph Magliaro, Director @ Table of Contents

“Coming from a construction background, I have very minimal knowledge in running a business. Eric has guided me through marketing my business specific to my expertise. I continue to draw inspiration and knowledge from him. Without hesitation, I strongly recommend him.”
— Tessa Trigloff, Timber Ridge Remodeling

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