
The word bizkü is the author’s creation. It’s a twist on traditional haiku — the short-form Japanese poetry. It’s three lines and a 5-7-5 syllable pattern. Bizkü are highly-accessible personal growth tools. Inspired by the book Taxi Driver Wisdom (Risa Mickenberg, 1996). Volume I is Dragonfire for Business and Life, featuring 200 haiku. Bizkü take seconds to read, but one could change a long-held belief.

Missing a deadline, losing a sale, not getting the promotion — we all fail before we learn to succeed.


Bizkü deliver valuable nuggets of wisdom. They speak to what lurks behind decisions being made. They deliver the straight talk. They help to avoid failure. They're designed for laughs, looking twice and thinking anew. In business and life, few will pull you aside to help read between the lines.


When the first bizkü were tweeted in 2011, there was a fair amount of head scratching. How does an ancient Japanese poetry form lend itself to business and life? The marriage may seem odd, but think on the power in proverbs and zingers. Direct communication spurs uncommon results.

Listen to a Sampler

"If you only have a hammer, then you tend to see every problem as a nail." — ABRAHAM MASLOW

From the Author

“Perfect for life's “in-between” moments: commutes, subway, airport, cooking, grocery store, waiting on line, background at work, warmup before sporting event, intermission, and so many more.”

— Eric S. Townsend


"Not just for business. Try the sidelines at your daughter's soccer games. Great for situations where competition makes us act in ways outside of our self interests."

Norm G.

"Business books that take something like poetry and try to relate it to business often come out forced or trite. This is pleasantly different. Useful for getting through some tough days."

Brian G.

"Inspirational! You don't have to finish them all in one sitting."

Joe L.

"When I first picked up Bizkü, I thought it was only for the business world. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that haiku also apply to education. Many of them can be used in the classroom as writing prompts for students to get them thinking critically."

Maria I.

"Worthwhile investment. Anyone with a product knows the world won't beat a path to your door unless you create a reason for them to buy. You might be able to broaden your perspective with some of the insights. A little goes a long way."

Jesse B.

"Simple, yet brilliant. Range from simple and straightforward to complex and thought-provoking. Many have made me think of business and my personal life in a different light. It's amazing how a simple haiku can change the way we solve a problem."

Daniel P.

”A witty book from a witty guy. Lots of interesting thoughts to read for enjoyment and inspiration. Good for a kindle read!"

Rebecca D.

"Art and life advice in one? Yes please! These are the quotes that you tape to your mirror to kick the day off right."

Dave D.

"It's not easy to find a book that makes you think and is enjoyable at the same time."

Patrick L.

"There are a lot of thoughts in here. Some you'll find inspiring, others not so much. What inspired me might be the ones in your "not-so-much" box. There's something for everybody."

Woody H.

"Quick and easy reading. These haiku make you think, smile, and move forward. Easy to pick up but hard to put down!"

Greta W.

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